Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking for a job in a different city???

Ok, let's talk about what to do when you are looking for a job in a different town/city/state that you live in. Here is the problem. When I have a position open, my goal is to fill immediately. So when I am looking through resumes and you are located in a different state, your resume automatically drops to the bottom of my pipeline. I need someone I can have a phone conversation with today and bring in for an in person interview tomorrow. Local people are always going to be more appealing.

So, what should you do?

  • Do you know someone in the place you are looking for a job? Put their address on your resume.
  • Or if you are uncomfortable doing that, make it clear at the top of your resume that you are "in the process" of relocating to that place. 
  • Have money saved so you are available to fly/drive quickly for an interview. 
  • Have your ducks in a row and loose ends tied up so if you get a job offer, you can move quickly. 
Good Luck! 

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