Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3 Tips: Be More Strategic in Your Job Search

In order to be successful in the job hunt, it’s important to be strategic. If you make every move count, you won’t feel burnt out and you’ll be at your best throughout the process. Plus, applying to every online resume form will get you nowhere quick.
In a recent Glassdoor blog post, Vickie Elmer shared her secrets for getting strategic about your job search.
Here are her top tips:
1. Target growing companies. Your best bet is to go after companies that are growing and ambitious, not those with layoffs or high turnover rates. Check out what companies are actively searching for candidates or posting new jobs regularly. Follow industry publications; this can help you see who has acquired a new client or if someone recently suffered a big loss. Look into growing industries—this can help you decipher what kind of companies might be growing. [Check out my blog post on the top fields picking up for 2012.]
2. Look up. “One-third of CFO’s say they will consider hiring someone who is ‘too junior’ for the job opening and train them, according to a Duke University/CFO Magazine survey.” This is a great opportunity for job seekers. Don’t shy away from a job posting that is a bit above your experience. Share what you know with the company and they might be willing to take a chance on you. You should never lie or exaggerate about your qualifications throughout the job process—but you can aspire to positions and work with the company to see if you’re a good fit.
3. Show your growth. Companies are struggling to find the talent they want. 31% of employers currently have jobs for which they can’t find qualified employees according to the jobs outlook surveyfrom Careerbuilder.  Make sure that you put all of your relevant skills on display. Comfort or expertise with social media are a huge deal in today’s rapidly-turning digital world. Research the company to find exactly what they are looking for. Show them what you have to offer!
To read Elmer’s entire post, you can find the Glassdoor post here.